Saturday, October 20, 2012


What do you think when you hear the word: LOVE? Chick flick fantasies? I have to admit that at one point that is what I thought of and imagined as reality for a long time. That's not real. It's actually not a great idea to fall in love and decide you want to spend the rest of your life with someone within a few weeks of knowing them. There are a lot of hormones that confuse reality at that time. The best way to make sure that your mind is clear and able to make rational decisions is to follow the Relationship Attachment model (RAM).

The basic idea is to know more than you trust, trust more than you rely, rely more than you commit, and commit more than you touch. A common mistake is to jump into the touch category too quickly. It’s a bad idea to even hold hands before you are exclusively dating. Once touching enters the equation it confuses the rest and you feel like you know the person and can trust them more than you actually do and can. 

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