Saturday, September 29, 2012

Family Theories

I decided that I might actually have an interest in becoming a family and marriage therapist. I would love to be able to help marriages and families because, after all, isn't that the most important part of life on Earth? So to become one of these therapist types it is helpful to know some general theories on how families work and how problems arise and can also be solved. I learned about four main theories. 

 1. Family Systems Theory- This theory is based on the idea that it is better to look at the family unit as a whole than at each individual. The family unit is a system and the whole thing changes when one person makes a permanent change.  

2. Exchange Theory- This is the idea that we, as humans, like to get more or at least the same as what we give. When the scale is tipped and one person feels like they are giving more than it is worth  problems arise. 

 3. Symbolic Interaction Theory- This is based on the idea that different actions are different "symbols" for different people. What one person would think was a nice gesture another could find it offensive. This is one of the reasons communication is key in any relationship. 

4. Conflict Theory- I don't like this one as much because it is based on the idea that everyone is constantly in a power struggle. We all want to have the upper hand. I know that some people think this way but I don't want to accept that most people do. 

So... There we have it. Four family theories that can make it a little easier to see what is happening inside the family unit. 

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